Breed Identification
Surgical Instruments
Cases | Diseases | Breed Identification | Nutrition | Surgical Instruments | Parasites |
owner brings horse in because its stiff and lame physical exam: the ears stayed forward throughout the entire exam, and it had stiff steps Tetanus Cases 100 | poultry disease: spead by direct egg transmissioln, fecal-oral, or possible reptile involvement. Salmonellosis Diseases 100 | Dog Breeds: Beagle Breed Identification 100 | A coenzyme that can be water- or fat-soluble is called a Vitamin Nutrition 100 | Scalpel Surgical Instruments 100 | Flea Parasites 100 |
dog comes in with the owners concern of the dog being friendly, and then changed to being very aggressive. Rabies Cases 200 | cattle disease: young animlals eating welland gaining rapidly: lameness, anorexia, tachypnea, fever, swelling, death withing 12- 48 hours. Blackleg Diseases 200 | Cat Breeds: Maine Coon Breed Identification 200 | The breaking down of large molecules into smaller ones that can be used by the body is called Digestion Nutrition 200 | Operating Scissors blunt/blunt straight Surgical Instruments 200 | Ringworm Parasites 200 |
owner brings in cat with the concern of runny eyes and nose. physical exam: discharge of ears, coughing, sneezing, and pot bellied. Temp: 105.8 Feline Viral Rhinotrancheitis Cases 300 | sheep disease: cause by prion, like bse. its a complex contagiousness, familial component. symptoms: rubbing head (scraping), staggering, trembling, and death. Scrapie Diseases 300 | Cat Breeds: Balinese Breed Identification 300 | The hormone that lowers blood glucose levels is called Insulin Nutrition 300 | Snook Retractor Surgical Instruments 300 | Chyletiella Parasites 300 |
Owner brings in cat with diarrhea, nasal discharge, and is being quiet and hiding Physical exam: recumbent but conscious, 3rd eyelid is partially covered with discharge. Feline Panleukopenia aka "kitty parvo" Cases 400 | cattle disease: passed by exposure to infective soil, manure, and grass; most common in animals with decreased immunity symptoms: mainly neurologic: walking in circles, ataxia, leaning, paralysis, restlessness, anorexia, fever, and death Listeriosis Diseases 400 | Horse Breeds: Percheron Breed Identification 400 | Elements such as Ca, K, and Mg that are needed by the body for processes like nerve transmissions and bone strength are called: Minerals Nutrition 400 | Russian Tissue Forceps Surgical Instruments 400 |
Pinworm Parasites 400 |
owner bring cat in that is eating less, losing weight, and is having diharrea. we do a physical exam and the cat has severe gingivitis, fleas, and diharrea. the lab results come in and the cat tests positive for coccidia, and positive for felk virus in the blood. Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) Cases 500 | symptoms: slow progression (2-6 months) if signs, resemble rabies, nervousness, agressive behavior, abnormal posture, incoordination, and difficulty rising. passed on by consumption of tissue of infected animals. Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis (BSE, Mad Cow Disease) Diseases 500 | Dog Breeds: Puli Breed Identification 500 | Maintaining constant internal conditions is Homeostasis Nutrition 500 | Kelly Forceps Curved Surgical Instruments 500 | (cattle and sheep) Liver Fluke Parasites 500 |
What chemical substance makes the bone very hard?
Calcium salts deposited in the bone matrix produce the hardness.
Disease of the intestines
Medical Terminology!
Cases |
100 |
Tetanus |
Question |